DLP Webinar Distribution of Faulted Mesozoic and Tertiary Seals for CO2 Storage in the Northern Horda Platform, Norwegian North Sea

Webinar details
Instructor:   Johnathon L. Osmond
Duration:   30 min + Q&A
Discipline:  CO2 storage, traps and seals, mapping and modeling
Main topics:   Top seal, fault seal, CO2 storage site derisking
Language:   English

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This lecture summarizes a recent case study involving the derisking of geological seals for a potential offshore CO2 storage site. In the northern Horda Platform of the northern North Sea, the structural and stratigraphic architecture of the producing Troll East hydrocarbon field is directly analogous to the Alpha CO2 storage prospect in the Smeaheia fault block just to the east of the field. Building on this observation, we have mapped the proven regional seal units of Troll East in order to extrapolate and understand their distribution throughout the northern Horda Platform. Here, we utilize our results to compare Alpha with Troll East, and discuss top and fault seal presence in the context of derisking Alpha’s CO2 storage prospectivity.

Participants' Profile

● Geologists

● Geophysicists

● Reservoir engineers

About the Lecturer

Johnathon has been a Doctoral Research Fellow in Geology at the University of Oslo (UiO) since 2017 specializing in structural geology, trap and seal analysis, and derisking of potential CO2 storage sites. He earned a B.Sc. in Geology with a Minor degree in Geophysics at the University of Houston in 2013, then moved onto The University of Texas at Austin to finish a M.Sc. in Geological Sciences in 2016. Later in 2016, he joined the Center for Integrated Seismicity Research (CISR) at the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) for a year before moving to Norway. He now works as a consulting Geologist at Exploro Geoservices in Trondheim while finishing his Ph.D.