Applied Microfacies

Course Description

Hands-on microfacies characterization using industry data sets. Analysis: mineralogy, components, pore types, diagenesis. Participants are instructed on how to capture observations such that patterns and rules might be detected. The course encourages participants to think of processes and products during thin section characterization.

Industry data sets are used to illustrate the use of microfacies characterization to help solve operational issues of carbonate fields. Production increase is demanded. Wells (fully cored) show contrary production behavior. The stratigraphy is ‘layer cake’ and both wells are perforated in the highest perm interval of a few meters thick.

Thin sections are linked with petrophysical data, openhole logs and production data. Course participants are encouraged to use thin section descriptions to develop a conceptual model for permeability based on a depositional model architecture based on the investigation of available this sections.

Course Objectives

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Quality control thin sections.
  • Determine the mineralogy of a stained section.
  • Characterize fossiliferous and non-fossiliferous components such as ooids or brachiopods.
  • Classify the carbonate texture (Dunham) and grain geometry.

Participants’ Profile

The course is designed for geologists, petrophysicists, stratigraphers as well as explorers in academic and industry positions.


Participants should have knowledge of the principles of carbonate geology and a fundamental understanding of petrophysics.

About the Instructor

Prof. Dr Michael C. Poppelreiter, Director of the South East Asian Carbonate Research Lab (SEACaRL), Shell Chair in Petroleum Geology at the Department of Geosciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP). From October 2019 he has been working for Shell Kuwait.

Area of expertise: Shell Subject Matter Expert for carbonate geology, Outcrop and Regional Geological Studies (focus Middle East), Conceptual Modelling, Reservoir Modelling and 3D Digital Modelling, Project management, CO2 in carbonate, Technical Assurance & Capability (TA-2), 25 publications and 2 books on borehole image logs and reservoir geology.