22 April 2016

With hydrocarbon exploration moving to more complex plays, understanding the resolution limits of seismic imaging and attributes is more important than ever, especially with the availability of new acquisition methods like ISS® and DSSS allowing acquisition of very high density surveys at a reduced cost. Questions as: ‘What are the benefits of acquiring dense surveys, how do they impact the frequencies, AVO/AVAO attributes’ can be difficult to answer and yet have a significant impact on cost, quality and decision making. Attempts to answer some of these questions using the theory of resolution or synthetic modelling are available. However, we rarely have the opportunity to see the effect of decimating a real dataset on a full range of conventional and azimuthal attributes. In this study we are decimating the Risha high density survey to 20 different geometries. Each one of these geometries were then separately processed and an extensive list of pre-stack conventional and azimuthal attributes were extracted on them. By analysing and comparing these products, we attempt to answer the above questions, using the densest geometry as a benchmark for quality.

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